John Baglioni

Lena Bakovic

John Baglioni, MPH, RD, CDN


Hunter College, Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Food Science

Hunter College, Master of Public Health


Heart Health, Digestive Health, Weight Management, Diabetes, Pediatric Nutrition.

John Baglioni is a native New Yorker, and has been active in the nutrition field for over twenty years. He hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition and Food Science and Master’s Degree in Public Health.

As a clinician, John has worked in cardiac rehabilitation, weight management, skilled nursing, and pediatrics. Throughout his career, he has also been active in the community and has helped many people improve their health through individual counseling and nutrition programs.


Outpatient Pediatric Dietitian

North Central Bronx Hospital, New York, NY

Director of Operations

Green Life Center, Jakarta, Indonesia

Clinical Nutrition Supervisor

Coler Rehabilitation and Nursing Care Center, New York, NY

Clinical Dietitian

Coler-Goldwater Memorial Hospital and Henry J. Carter Specialty Hospital, New York, NY


Blasi A, Nelson K, Rivera G, Baglioni J, Levanon, D. Barriers to Online Lifestyle Group Activity after Covid19 Lockdown. Presented at the Lifestyle Medicine conference (virtual), October, 2020

John’s personal health journey led to a career in nutrition. His goal is to pass on the knowledge he gained during that journey to his clients. He believes that focusing on a sustainable, healthy lifestyle is essential for long-term success. This includes a healthy diet, exercise, adequate sleep, and stress reduction. He is a proponent of eating minimally processed whole foods whenever possible. However, he also understands the importance of enjoying food and indulging once in a while!